In September remove apples of autumn grades, put them on storage in storehouses. Storehouses need to be dried, aired, cleared of a dust and to disinfect. It can be made, burning in storehouse sulphur (10-20 on 1м3)
In 1-2 weeks after cleaning of fruits at an apple-tree begin intensive growth of roots. During this period it is necessary for feeding up. If soil under an apple-tree not under turf - simply distribute fertilizers on all area of a projection of a crone and cautiously dig over вилами. If under an apple-tree the turf - fertilizer needs to be brought locally. On border of a projection of a crone dig out a trench in width in a shovel and depth in two bayonets. Turf thus cautiously remove and postpone.
The Earth take out on any covering or in a trough. After will introduce fertilizers in a trench - add from above the taken out earth and return turf on a former place, having watered it that it has got accustomed again. To 6 summer age to an apple-tree enough those fertilizers which have been brought at landing in a hole. 7-12 summer tree 4 kg of organic chemistry on 1 м2 a circle fertilise two third plus / third of thick glass tumbler of superphosphate and chloride калия. Under an apple-tree of 13-20 years of fertilizer bring at the rate on 1 м2 - 6 kg of organic chemistry, 1 thick glass tumbler of superphosphate and half of glass chloride калия. Under a tree 21 years-8 kg of organic chemistry and accordingly one and a half and two thirds of glass of superphosphate and chloride калия are more senior. If you apply instead of superphosphate and chloride калия нитрофоску or wood ashes - that give them in the same doses and proportions.